Richard (“Pete”) Andrews is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Public Policy, UNC College of Arts and Sciences; also in the Department of City and Regional Planning and in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering of the Gillings School of Global Public Health, the Environment, Ecology and Energy Program, and the Carolina Institute for the Environment. From 2004 to 2009 he held the first Thomas Willis Lambeth Distinguished Professorship in Public Policy.
For more information about Dr. Andrews, please see his Biography and Curriculum Vitae
A new third edition of Professor Andrews’ history of American environmental policy (Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves: A History of American Environmental Policy) is now available from Yale University Press, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Updated through 2019, it also includes new chapters on the EPA and pollution control policy; public lands, forest and wildlife policies; agricultural and urban environmental policies; energy policy; and the impacts of the Trump administration.